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IMSCC2014: 1st International Marine Science Communication Conference

IMSCC2014: 1st International Marine Science Communication Conference

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IMSCC2014, 8-9 September, Porto, Portugal

The “1st International Marine Science Communication Conference – New tools and practices (IMSCC2014)” is an interdisciplinary and international marine science communication meeting jointly organized by the CIIMAR (Interdisciplinary Centre of Marine and Environmental Research of the University of Porto), the European Marine Board Communications Panel (EMBCP) and Ciência Viva (National Agency for Scientific and Technological Culture). This conference aims to delineate challenges for scientists and marine science communicators and to highlight new tools and practices in this field, in order to set up a more efficient dialogue with journalists, decision-makers, and the general public.

IMSCC 2014 intends to bring in the state-of-the-art in Marine Science Communication and to highlight new tools and practices in this field, in order to support scientists and marine science communicators in developing their communication skills to set up a more efficient dialogue with journalists, decision-makers, and the general public. Experts of international renown from various spheres have been invited to give their points of view on these issues ? which are crucial to support the development of Marine Science Communication within the society.

Presentations and workshops will cover a broad spectrum of Marine Science Communication issues that are of interest to a multi-disciplinary and international audience. These sessions will identify or offer solutions to problems, utilize case studies, identify knowledge gaps or collaboration opportunities, and discuss broader applications and implications of the material presented.

The working language of this conference will be English.


This conference will be held in Porto, Portugal on 8-9 September 2014.

Abstract Deadline: 30 of June 2014

Early Registration Deadline: 20 of July 2014

Note: You can participate without submitting an abstract!


Keynote Speakers:

  • Nancy Baron - Director of Science Outreach for COMPASS, USA
  • David Braun - Digital Outreach Director at National Geographic Magazine, USA

Highlight TALKS

  • Kenneth Weiss - U.S. Environmental Journalist and Pulitzer Prize Winner
  • Jan-Stefan Fritz - Head of the Brussels Office of the German Marine Research Consortium (KDM)
Source: Oficial Website:

Última Modificação: 25/06/2014

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