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Results of the cetacean aerial census campaign of July 2015

Results of the cetacean aerial census campaign of July 2015

The campaign took place under the LIFE+ MarPro protocol signed between the Portuguese Air Force (PAF), the University of Aveiro and the Portuguese Wildlife Society (SPVS).

In the 14 transects performed between the 50 and 200nm, with a total distance of 3700km 698 individuals were observed, divided by the following species: fin whales, minke whales, sperm whales, pilot whales, Risso's dolphins, beaked whales, striped dolphins, common dolphins and common bottlenose dolphins. Additional sightings of leatherback and loggerhead turtles were also recorded. The data collected will allow the validation of this methodology as the standard for cetacean census in offshore environment beyond the 50nm.

The LIFE+ MarPro wishes to thank the Portuguese Air Force cooperation and the commitment and friendliness  of the crews that operated in the mission days.


Resultados da campanha de censos aéreos para cetáceos de Junho 2015

Área amostrada entre as 50 mn e as 200 mn - Equipa do LIFE+ MarPro e tripulação FAP no primeiro dia de censos - Equipa do LIFE+ MarPro e tripulação FAP no segundo dia de censos - Observador na janela tipo bolha - Observador na plataforma de registo vídeo - Vista geral a partir da janela bolha - Avistamento de baleia-comum - Avistamento de baleia-comum - Avistamento de golfinho-comum -

Última Modificação: 24/06/2015

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